Florida Rehabs

Learn about what drug and alcohol services are available in Florida. Find out how you can get free or low-cost help from Florida rehab facilities.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, there are nearly 25 million Americans struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. Every year, there are millions of patients hospitalized because of an illness or accident relating to their addiction. Overcoming an addiction is difficult. Unlike with other conditions, you cannot simply get a prescription to make your addiction go away. It is a lengthy process, which requires assistance.

The safest and most effective way to treat a drug or alcohol addiction is through a rehabilitation clinic. Rehabilitation clinics treat addiction using both medication and therapy. It also provides a stable and safe space for you to recover, as well as trained staff to support you during this difficult time. There are two different types of rehabilitation, inpatient and outpatient. With impatient rehab, you agree to stay in the center for the duration of your stay. In an outpatient program, you are allowed to leave for work and can spend evenings at home, but the rest of your time is spent in therapy. Listed below is everything you need to know about rehabilitation centers in Florida.

What to Expect from Rehabilitation Treatment 

Both inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation share many of the same treatment methods. The exact length of a program varies depending on your needs, but on average you can expect anywhere from 30 to 90 days. Some rehabilitation centers have stricter limits on how long you can stay. Even once you are done with your program, you must continue to attend therapy and use the techniques you learn in rehab to avoid falling back into your addiction.

Treatment begins the moment you check in to a rehab center. During your check in, you are assigned a clinic counselor. Your counselor interviews you to learn about the nature of your addiction, including when it started, how often you use drugs and alcohol and what triggers the addiction. Your counselor uses all the information to come up with a custom treatment plan. Everything in the plan is fully explained to you, so you understand each step of the treatment. Your counselor is on your side and committed to your success, he or she is not trying to judge you or make you feel guilty during this process. As part of the planning process, your counselor will make a recommendation for how long you stay, but this date may change as you proceed through treatment.

The next part of your treatment is a detox program. Detoxification removes any lingering drugs or alcohol in your system. Even if you do not feel any of the negative effects, some substances stay in your system longer than you realize. This process also gives you a chance to get familiar with the center and start viewing it as a safe space. Detox takes anywhere from three days to two weeks, depending on what substances you used. Morphine, alcohol, and heroin typically take the longest to clear. In some cases, you are given medication during detox to help your body fully cleanse any drugs in your system.

Rehabilitation Center Therapy

The bulk of rehabilitation involves therapy. Each center uses different types of therapy. Many patients begin in individual therapy, which is a one-on-one meeting with your counselor. Your counselor works with you to make you realize you have a problem and figure out what triggers your addiction. Once you know what drives you to your addiction, your counselor will help you come up with a plan to not only avoid stressful situations but find a safer coping mechanism. 

Another option is group therapy. There are two types of group therapy, family, and inpatient. With family, your friends or family members are invited into the session to discuss your addiction. Inpatient therapy involves other patients at the facility. The goal of group therapy is to help you realize the damage your addiction caused to yourself and others. While it is difficult to admit you have a problem, group therapy also reinforces you are not alone and provides a safe network and space for you to share what drove you to your addiction and why you want to get better. Many group sessions feature former addicts who can personally relate to how difficult it is to get clean.

After finishing rehab, many patients continue to attend individual or group therapy to help stay sober. In severe cases, your counselor may recommend transitional housing to continue your treatment.

Florida Rehabilitation Center Costs

The cost of rehabilitation varies based on how long you stay and whether you need inpatient or outpatient care. Normally, rehab is expensive, with most patients relying on insurance to help with the costs. Inpatient care on average costs between $15,000 and $20,000 for every 30 days, while outpatient is $5,000 to $10,000.

If you do not have insurance and are unable to afford rehab, there are several options available. Florida has multiple non-profit rehab centers that use a sliding payment method. With this method, you are charged a fair price based on your income. Free treatment is available if you are below the federal poverty limit. Some rehabilitation centers also partner with other nonprofit groups in the state to accept patients no matter their income or insurance status. The following centers offer free or sliding scale prices:

You can also contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for additional assistance finding free state funded rehabilitation centers in Florida.